Getting started with the Javascript SDK

Get started with our Javascript SDK to build notification feed, toasts, and inbox experiences.

The @knocklabs/client library is a low-level JavaScript SDK for interacting with Knock from the client side of your JS application. In this guide we'll show some of the main ways you can interact with the SDK:

Quick links

Getting started

To use this example, you'll need an account on Knock, as well as an in-app feed channel, with a workflow that produces in-app feed messages. You'll also need:

  • A public API key for the Knock environment (set as KNOCK_PUBLIC_API_KEY)
  • The channel ID for the in-app feed (set as KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID)

Installing dependencies

Installing the package
1npm install @knocklabs/client

Authenticating the current user

Authenticating the current user
1import Knock from "@knocklabs/client";
3const knockClient = new Knock(process.env.KNOCK_PUBLIC_API_KEY);
5// Tell Knock to use the users id

Initialize a feed connection for the user

The Knock class exposes a Feed via the initialize method that can be used to connect the authenticated user to a Knock Feed Channel. Additionally, the Feed exposes a stateful store to build client-side feeds and other notification experiences.

Working with the Knock feed
1const knockFeed = knockClient.feeds.initialize(
2  process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID,
5// Setup a real-time connection
8// Fetch items for the feed

Marking feed item statuses

A feed instance supports marking items as seen, unseen, read, unread, archived, and unarchived:

Handling feed item statuses
1// Initialize the feed as in above examples
2const knockFeed = knockClient.feeds.initialize(
3  process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID,
6// Mark one or more items as read
8// Mark one or more items as seen
10// Mark one or more items as archived
13// Mark one or more items as unread
15// Mark one or more items as unseen
17// Mark one or more items as unarchived

Retrieving preferences for the user

You can use the JS SDK to retrieve the preferences for the authenticated user, which is useful to build in-app preference UIs.

Getting user preferences
1const preferences = await knockClient.preferences.get();

Setting preferences for the user

Similar to retrieving preferences, the Knock class also allows you to set preferences directly in the client for the authenticated user.

Setting user preferences
1await knockClient.preferences.set({
2  channel_types: { email: true, sms: false },
3  workflows: {
4    "dinosaurs-loose": {
5      channel_types: { email: false, in_app_feed: true },
6    },
7  },

Automatically disconnecting sockets from inactive tabs

Optionally, you can configure the client to disconnect socket connections with inactive tabs after a brief delay. If the tab becomes active again, the socket will reconnect to continue receiving real-time updates.

Automatically manage socket connections
1// Initialize the feed and configure the automatic disconnect settings
2const feedClient = knockClient.feeds.initialize(
3  process.env.KNOCK_FEED_CHANNEL_ID,
4  {
5    // Turn on the automatic connection manager
6    auto_manage_socket_connection: true,
7    // Optionally, customize the delay amount in milliseconds. Defaults to 2000ms or 2s
8    auto_manage_socket_connection_delay: 2500,
9  },